Service & Support

To ensure the growing challenges, a high availability and reliability as well as lifetime of the plants require a high quality product and service specialists for the maintenance. With our customers we develop maintenance services customized to the respective plant. In addition to our all-round full service we also offer training for our customers.

Servicing – Repair, Maintenance,
Service and Spare Parts

To ensure the durability of the valves and the system safety we carry out repairs in our house. You supply the valves to us, we make the assessment and submit the cost estimate for the repair. After the completion of repairs and testing we will send back to you the as good as new valves.
On-site full-service concept
Determine revision cycles
Minimise the cost of shutdowns
On-site consultation
Efficiency during scheduled shutdowns
Clear budgeting
Fast conversions & on-site operations

Our service technicians are at your disposal for the cold or warm start-up and support you for starting or for inspection and approval of your plant.


Our service technicians are at your disposal for the cold or warm start-up and support you for starting or for inspection and approval of your plant.

Training Program

When operating the plant it is important to have trained personnel particularly to operate properly the plant with all its components/valves. Small problems or uncertainties with the components also lead to unnecessary, unexpected shutdowns as well as change of personnel or new products can lead to knowledge loss. Therefore it is important that employees are professionally trained. We support you at it and we gladly give qualified and practical courses at your site or at our house in Muttenz.
Challenge us! We advise you and work out together with you the appropriate and target-oriented courses.